Piano Lessons For All Ages

The Healing Power Of Music

The Healing Power of Music

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to Houston Methodist Hospital for its unwavering commitment to the healing power of music.

The 7 Keys to Piano Lesson Success

1. Encouraging, Motivating, and Inspirational Teacher Inspiring teachers produce inspired students.  A talented teacher has the ability to inspire, motivate, and encourage.  An enthusiastic, empathic teacher will inspire a student to achieve musical excellence and nurture the motivation within.  Motivation is greater than discipline.  When there is sufficient motivation, the discipline will take care of […]

10 Reasons to Study Music

Makes you smarter. Many studies have been conducted on the effects of music on the brain. Music is unique in that it connects both the right and left sides of the brain. This has been shown to improve reading, math, and creativity. Gives you a sense of achievement. Playing an instrument is very satisfying! Relieves […]

Advantages of Group Piano

Music educators and piano teachers have enumerated the many advantages of group teaching including the valuable learning atmosphere that it fosters.  Studies have also found that group instruction is effective in developing both performance and musicianship skills.  Advantages include: Provides confidence in playing for others.Weekly performance opportunities Aids students in developing rhythmic security.Rhythm games and […]

The Benefits of Recreational Music Making for Adults

Self-Expression, Enjoyment, Relaxation, Wellness, Excitement, Vitality, Patience, Stress Release, Fulfillment, Peace, Flexibility, Coordination, Achievement, Balance, Renewal, Companionship, Humor, Self-Awareness, Laughter, Healing, Love, Beauty, Satisfaction, Mental Acuity, Comprehension, Bliss, Exhilaration, Inspiration, Pleasure, Self-Discipline, Self-Esteem, Pride, Fun, Happiness, Health You’re Never Too Old and It’s Never Too Late to Learn “It’s been like a dream come true […]

Music and the Brain

Awaken your child’s mind, health and creativity with piano lessons. In a 2000 survey, 73 percent of responders agree that teens who play an instrument are less likely to have discipline problems. “Americans Love Making Music – And Value Music Education More Than Ever”, American Music Conference 2000 Students who can perform complex rhythms can […]

The Triangle for Success in Music Study

The teacher, child and parents form a triangle in the music learning process. All three sides of the triangle must be strong to make lessons successful. Each side contributes in different ways. Teacher: The teacher’s responsibility is to teach the student not only how to play the piano, but how to practice. Student: The student’s […]